2021 Influenza Immunization Options

COVID-19 Testing for Travel Purposes Not Available at SCC

Please note that the Saskatoon Community Clinic is unable to accommodate requests for COVID-19 testing for travel purposes. The Saskatchewan Health Authority provides the following advice for those who require tests for this reason.

Anyone planning a summer vacation, either within the province, within Canada or internationally, should check the Government of Canada’s COVID travel site to understand any travel restrictions and requirements for travel, which may include proof of a negative COVID-19 test and/or proof of vaccination.

Some airlines and travel destinations require tight timelines for testing, with travellers being required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test (not a rapid antigen test) within 72 hours of their flight (some airlines and destinations timelines may vary).

While the Saskatchewan Health Authority Laboratory Medicine teams work incredibly hard to provide test results in a timely manner, it can be challenging for the SHA to guarantee PCR test results for asymptomatic travellers in under 72 hours due to transportation and processing times with priority being provided to symptomatic patient care diagnostics.

In Saskatchewan, Quantum Genetix , Haztech and Nobel provide confirmatory COVID-19 PCR testing for asymptomatic individuals. Individuals are responsible for the cost of their own tests.

The SHA encourages travellers to seek out independent testing services for those who require proof of a negative test before taking to the skies, or whichever mode of transport they prefer if they want results provided within a guaranteed timeline.

Saskatchewan residents with a MySaskHealthRecord account can print their COVID-19 immunization records by following the simple instructions available at eHealthSask.ca.

If you do not have a MySaskHealthRecord account, you can sign up today at eHealthSask.ca.

International travel destinations may have specific requirements for their proof of vaccination documentation. eHealth Saskatchewan is currently working with the provincial and federal governments to develop COVID-19 immunization certificates that will be recognized as proof of vaccination status by foreign governments and agencies that require it.

Preventing the Spread: the Swiss Cheese Effect

Congratulations 2021 Award Recipients!

At the January 13, 2021 Semi-annual Members meeting the Board of Directors recognized three members for their outstanding contributions to the Saskatoon Community Clinic.  Members Anne Doucette and Michael Finley received the C.A. Robson Award that honours those who, through their affiliation with the Association, have provided superlative service embodying the values of compassion, cooperation and commitment. Donna Phoenix received the Volunteer Recognition Award awarded annually to a member who has given outstanding volunteer service. Click here to read more.

New! Appointment Reminders

Upon booking an appointment with our Downtown Clinic physicians, NPs and counsellors, patients will now receive an automated reminder in three ways—text, email and phone call.  You will be prompted to either confirm or cancel your appointment.  If you do not want a reminder, you must choose to opt out by informing the receptionist each time you book an appointment.

COVID-19 Fact Sheets Available in 30+ Languages

Health Literacy Project, in collaboration with Harvard Health Publishing, creates and translates COVID-19 information into different languages to help all patients know when, and how, to seek care. Information is reviewed by physicians and medical school faculty members at the Harvard hospitals and is freely available for download and distribution without copyright restrictions. https://covid19healthliteracyproject.com

Join the Recovery For All Campaign

Recovery for All is a national advocacy campaign asking Canadians to encourage the federal government to invest in housing, homelessness and income support to end homelessness in Canada once and for all. Join us in signing up for the campaign and encourage others to do so here.

Naloxone Pick Up and Delivery

Volunteers Needed

Volunteers needed to help with Community Clinic group education programs. Please email [email protected] or phone (306) 664-4282.

NEW Parking Lot Configuration

The patient parking behind the downtown Clinic will only be accessible through the alley between 26th and 25th Street.

This change will result in:

  • Having patient parking closer to the building,
  • More parking for patients, and,
  • Lower maintenance expenses.

Only staff parking will be accessible from 1st Avenue.

Signage will be posted to help direct patients and staff.  Thank you for your understanding and patience.  

An illustration of the new parking lot configuration can be viewed here.