A chronic disease is any condition that someone lives with over the long term, such as heart disease, lung disease or diabetes. Chronic diseases can be difficult for patients to manage and challenging for the health system. Our interdisciplinary team works with patients who have chronic conditions to support them in achieving optimal health and well-being.

Chronic Disease Management (CDM)

Our primary health care team works with patients to manage their chronic disease with a goal of minimizing complications.

Patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure or coronary artery disease, are seen for CDM appointment, by the primary health care team members which may include arranged visits with: Registered Dietitian, Registered Nurse, Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Pharmacist, Lab Technician, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Certified Respiratory Educator, or Counsellor in addition to on-going support by the patient’s family physician.

Health Information

All of our health care workers have access on their computer desktop to a list of recommended websites, “Health On-line”. If you would like a copy please speak to your health care provider or print off here: “Health On-line

Foot Care Services

Fee for service foot care is available to Saskatoon Community Clinic patients. Foot care is provided by a Licenced Practical Nurse (LPN) with specialized foot care training. After a complete assessment of the foot the LPN will develop a care plan for the patient. Foot Care pamphlet

Respiratory Care Program

Health professionals with specialized training as a Certified Respiratory Educator (CRE), work with patients, families, and caregivers to improve lung health and self-management skills with an overall goal of improving quality of life for those with respiratory disease.  The CRE will work with patients with the following health concerns:  respiratory disease, lung function, use of inhalers (puffers), medication side effects, individualized treatment or action plans, tobacco cessation, long term oxygen therapy, recognition of worsening respiratory symptoms (COPD), loss of control (asthma symptoms) and other respiratory concerns.

The Respiratory Care Program accepts referrals from our health care providers.

Group Programs

We offer group programs that focus on health promotion, disease prevention, chronic conditions and group education. Programs are offered depending on current needs. to meet the health care needs of our patient population and the community. Please visit Group Programs for more information.