Saskatoon Community Clinic Downtown

455 2nd Avenue North,  Saskatoon, SK  S7K 2C2

For directions, click here.

Main contact including medical and primary care services   Tel: 306-652-0300   Fax: 306-664-4120

Lab and X-ray Direct Line   Tel: 306-664-4262   Fax: 306-975-2188

Pharmacy Direct Line   Tel: 306-664-4277   Fax: 306-975-2187

Counselling and Occupational Therapy Direct Line   Tel: 306-664-4283

Therapies Direct Line (Nutrition and Physical Therapy)   Tel: 306-664-4259   Fax: 306-664-4120

Saskatoon Community Clinic Langer Building (Counselling)

2211 11th Street West

(Temporary location while we address the Langer Building issues)

Saskatoon, SK S7M 1J2

Phone: 306-664-4283

Saskatoon Community Clinic Westside

1528 20th Street West, Saskatoon, SK  S7M 0Z6

For directions, click here.

Main contact including medical and primary care services   Tel: 306-664-4310   Fax: 306-934-2506

Pharmacy Direct Line   Tel: 306-986-2906   Fax: 306-986-2905

Administration, Member and Public Relations, Foundation

455 2nd Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK   S7K 2C2

For directions, click here.

Tel: 306-652-0300   Fax: 306-664-4120

General Inquiry

Our reception desk is very busy. The best way to get in contact with our clinic for general inquiries is by email: [email protected].

Please Note: Do not send private health information, or specific medical questions, appointment requests or changes using email.  Email is not a secure method of communication. 

If you have a medical question or an appointment-related request, please phone (306) 652-0300.

Patient and Member Feedback

The Saskatoon Community Clinic welcomes your feedback on programs and services and opportunities for improvement.  The Member and Public Relations Department is your link to the organization to submit feedback.

Please contact the Member and Public Relations Department if you have any comments, feedback, compliments or concerns about the care you or a loved one has received at our health clinics by email: [email protected]

Please Note: Do not send private health information, or specific medical questions, appointment requests or changes using email.  Email is not a secure method of communication. 

If you would need to speak to someone at the Saskatoon Community Clinic, please phone the general reception number at 306.652.0300.